BioExplorer® Designs
In order to use BixDVD as a
feedback device for BioExplorer®
it is necessary to apply a small change to the BioExplorer
designs, that will be used with BixDVD:
- Open the design
- Insert a new “Server” object into the design
- Connect the input pin of the new Server object
to the output pin, that connects to the DVDPlayer.
- Optionally - if you are sure that you do not
need the DVD Player anymore - delete the DVD Player object from the
The same in detail:
1. In
the BioExplorer® menu click “Design” then
Chose an appropriate design (i.e. one that uses DVDPlayer as output).
2. In
the BioExplorer® menu click “Design” then “Add
Mark the Server object and click “Add”.
3. Look
for the DVDPlayer object in the design. It
could look something like this:
Drag (move with the mouse) the new Server object near to the DVDPlayer
(the Server object is in the upper left corner!):
Now connect the Server object to the Out pin of the sending object
("AND 1"): Click on the
green spot, then while still pressing the mouse key pull it over to the
Pin of the Server object and release it there exactly on the blue
A red line will be shown between “Out” and “In1”, the connection is
4. If
you want to (optionally!) delete the DVD
Player object, mark it with a mouse click, then press the Del
(Delete) Key
on the keyboard. Be aware that with deletion of the DVDPlayer also the
corresponding video window in the instrument panel is deleted.